Newsletter nº1

The “Interculturality” project builds upon the experience of partners from Spain, Italy, Turkey and Poland, and aims at enabling adult educators to develop intercultural competences in adult learners to develop personal skills and improve chances of securing employment, starting own businesses, or updating own competences.

Newsletter 1/2020 - Noviembre del 2020



The economic strategy for Europe calls for world class business skills in engineering, lifesciences, digital technology, green technology, as well as language skills to drive exports, logisticsskills to create more effective working and innovators to develop new products. Europe also needsmore people in care roles as well as entrepreneurs who build their own business. At present many adults have not beenencouraged to think more broadly, nationally, internationally or interculturally. The EuropeanCommission has adopted the proposal for a new Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelonglearning in 2018. According to the report, competence requirements have changed with morebusinesses being subject to automation, technologies playing a bigger role in all areas of work andlife, and entrepreneurial activities. Personal, social and civic competences becoming more relevant inorder to ensure resilience and ability to adapt to change.
Europe needs to develop adults’ individual ‘soft skills’ and collective intercultural competences.Recognising that each individual is unique – with strengths and abilities that should shape
theiraspirations and build their confidence. Good self-awareness is the beginning of emotional intelligence– the ability to understand what drives (and frustrates) us and how we differ from others.

Project Outcomes

A methodological framework to boost the key competences and intercultural skills of adult,including analysis of good practices and return on investment for enterprises.
An application focusing on assessing personal intercultural competences of adult learners, built upon ‘coaching principles’ and a set of practical scenarios and gameful challenges related to intercultural competences and life skills. An OER eLearning platform for adult educators and learners based upon a scenario based method, focused on cultural drivers, perceptions, stereotypes and expectations across cultures, intercultural management, global leadership.
A continuous professional development (CPD) course for adult educators, including a Learning Outcome Matrix according to the European Qualification Framework (EQF) as a set of learning outcomes (LO) – in terms of knowledge, skills and competences.

Target Group

Adult educators and trainers who are not only the key actors to be engaged in the main activities of the project, but also being upskilled and empowered as facilitators, through a continuous professional development course (CPD), to improve skills and understanding of the importance of intercultural skills in adult learners. Since CPD is a holistic commitment of professionals
towards the enhancement of personal skills and proficiency throughout their careers, “Interculturality” project embarks the CDP approach for the target groups and beneficiaries of the project.

The Interculturality project will focus on the key competences of:

  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Civic skills;
  • Personal, Social and Learning;
  • Cultural awareness and expression.

How did the project start?

Erasmus + projects always started with a kick-off meeting, where the partners could get to know each other better.
Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic thwarted travel plans in the project and everyone had to meet only online. Fortunately, the consortium consists of positive people who can inspire others and the lack of face-to-face meetings was not that big of a problem and they all work together very well. The first meeting took place in May and the second one in September. We hope that the next meeting will be held in person and not only via the Internet.

Project information

Name: Interculturality: Intercultural
Competence Development for
International Business Environment
Number: 2019-1-ES01-KA204-063914
Duration: 30 months
Funded: Erasmus + Programme of the European Union Key action: KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the Exchange of good practices

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